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Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre continues to build on key national and international partnerships to enable the Cancer Centre to develop new technologies, lead investigator initiated clinical trials and coordinate large-scale epidemiological studies. Researchers at the Cancer Centre collaborate across academia, patient groups, charities and industry to rapidly develop our cancer innovations for the clinic.
AICRI’s mission is to provide an overarching framework for cancer research across the island of Ireland, from discovery to implementation, for the benefit of cancer patients and wider society. AICRI is bringing together the combined strengths of cancer researchers in Irish institutes including the Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre to tackle cancer, linking with US and other international colleagues. AICRI is harnessing the collective input of multiple stakeholders from academia, industry, government agencies, and the health services. Active patient engagement in the evolution of AICRI’s activities is a key feature.
BCNI is a collaborative network of clinicians, scientists and population health experts across the country, which works closely with the National Cancer Registry Ireland and CTI. Since 2014, BCNI provides blood cancer patients in Ireland access to novel an innovative cancer treatments through early phase clinical trials in cancer care centres in Galway, Cork and Dublin.
POI is a consortium of 5 Irish Universities, 6 Charities, and 9 industry partners aiming to develop new diagnostics and therapeutics for personalised cancer treatment. Precision Oncology Ireland use cutting-edge technologies to generate unique genetic and molecular profiles for each patient’s cancer. The key competitive advantage of the programme lies in the innovative computational methods applied to make sense of these profiles and decipher what drives each individual cancer. The results will be better cancer diagnostics, personalised cancer treatment, and faster drug discovery and development.
The Irish Cancer Epidemiology Network (ICEN) was established in 2018 to provide a platform for cross-functional population-based cancer research in Ireland and brings together researchers from a range of disciplines including epidemiology, health services research, statistics, health economics, public health, policy, clinical practice, and patient advocacy.
The Cancer Trials Ireland (CTI) in partnership with RCSI forms a national, investigator led network to provide cancer patients accesses to high quality clinical trials. CTI is the sole cancer trials organisation in Ireland accredited and underwritten by the National State Claims Agency to provide sponsorship for trials. The partnership sponsors and supports investigator led, national and international trials at each of the clinical cancer sites.
Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre researchers collaborate with industry partners spanning the breadth of our research expertise and include large multinational pharma companies like Pfizer, small indigenous biotech companies like Carrick Therapeutics and diagnostics companies like Oncomark. Projects of note include the collaboration with Pfizer under the SFI-Pfizer Biotherapeutics programme to develop a new treatment for hormone resistant breast cancer and a multi company collaboration involving SkylineDx, Celgene, Amgen and Janssen for the development of novel diagnostic tests for multiple myeloma.
The Cancer Centre has a long standing collaboration with Ximbio, the research tool repository and commercial arm of Cancer Research UK and have licensed multiple cancer related research tools to them. In 2020 we entered into an exclusive option agreement with Oncolize, a pipeline RCSI spin out company which is seeking funding for the development of Chemogel, a chemotherapy drug delivery technology.