Supporting Daffodil Day at Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre
March 25th is the day we "take back cancer" and today staff across Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre including our Medical Oncologists showed full...
Advancing treatment for oesophageal cancer in Ireland
October 8th 2021 was a significant day for the treatment of oesophageal cancer in Ireland The first totally robotic assisted oesophagectomy was...
OECI Cancer Accreditation Peer Review Visit
Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre welcomed members of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) for a peer review visit on October 19th and...
Decoding Cancer Podcast – How does Immunotherapy work?
Tune in to the Irish Cancer Society's Decoding Cancer podcast on September 27th Dr Robert O'Connor is joined by our Dr Jarushka Naidoo & lung...