Coleman K Byrne (CKB) Haematology Day WardNavigation
In CKB our nurses and doctors treat a wide variety of blood and bone marrow conditions. You will attend CKB for medical or nursing review, blood tests, procedures and/or treatments.
The CKB Haematology Day Ward is located on the 2nd floor of Beaumont Hospital.
General guidelines when attending CKB
General Guidelines when attending CKB
- Check in at your allocated appointment time
- If you do not have an appointment time we cannot guarantee that you will be seen
- Please note that children are not allowed in the CKB unit
- Due to limited space you are asked to only bring one support person with you and where possible to come alone
- If you or your support person has any symptoms of vomiting/ diarrhoea, cold or flu like symptoms you must contact the unit before attending for appointment
- If you take oral chemotherapy, please bring your chemotherapy tablets with you to every appointment
For more information about what to expect when attending CKB click the following link: How our service works
Members of your CKB team
Multidisciplinary Team Members you will meet in CKB
Consultant Haematologist, a Doctor who specializes in the management of blood disorders both malignant and non-malignant. The consultant haematologists in our Cancer Centre are:
Dr Philip Murphy
Dr John Quinn
Professor Patrick Thornton
Professor Siobhan Glavey
Dr Jeremy Sargent
Dr Karl Ewins
Registrars & Senior House Officers (SHO), doctors who work with your consultants regarding your condition and treatment plan.
Hematology nurses are responsible for the planning and administering your treatment and coordination of your care in CKB.
An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) works alongside the hematology team in the planning and implementation of your treatment and provides emotional support for you and your family members.
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) help you to understand your condition and treatment. They act as a link between you and other hospitals if required as part of your treatment journey. They provide emotional support for you and your family members.
Research nurses coordinate the care of patients on clinical trials.
A Social worker will advise you on practical, financial and emotional issues that may impact you throughout your treatment journey.
A Dietitian provides advice on optimum nutrition throughout your treatment.
The Palliative care team work with your team to provide specialist symptom control management if required.
Our Receptionist checks you in on arrival, makes follow up appointments and assists with private health insurance forms.
Our Catering staff provide refreshments while you are attending CKB unit for your treatment.
Important phone number for patients attending CKB
CKB Unit: Mon – Fri 07:30-18:00 TEL: 01 8092150 / 8528344
Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist: Mon – Fri 08:00-16:00 TEL: 01 8528627
Acute Haematology 24hr Telephone Triage Service: Mon-Fri 08.00-16.00 TEL: 01 7977861
Evenings, Nights, Weekends, Bank Holidays contact St Teresa’s Ward if your concern is urgent
St Teresa’s 01 8092363/01 8528106
Haematology ANP: Mon – Fri 08:00-16:00 TEL: 01 8528603
When calling any of the above numbers it is helpful to have the following information at hand: Your diagnosis, your current treatment, a list of your current medications.
Acute Haematology Nurse Service
The main aim of this role is to help haematology patients at home who are having symptoms/side effects from their disease or treatment. This is an acute service for patients who are feeling unwell.
There is a number to call 24/7 if you are feeling unwell:
- Acute Haematology Nurse (Mon-Fri 08.00-16.00) 01 7977861
- Coleman K. Byrne Day Ward(Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00 if Acute Haematology Nurse unavailable) 01 8092150/01 8092622/01 8528344
- St Teresa’s Ward (Night time, Weekends, Bank Holidays) 01 8092363/01 8528106
Unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary to attend the Emergency Department for a medical review. Please follow the advice given as we only recommend attending hospital when it is absolutely necessary.
The Acute Haematology Nurse also helps to facilitate the discharge home of haematology patients after an admission. This ensures that follow up is arranged and that the patient and their carers have access to information and emergency contact numbers before leaving hospital.
Some tips before attending for your treatment
Wear loose fitting sleeves.
Drink two to three glasses of water before attending for bloods to help bulk up your veins.
On cold days wrap up warm to aid with blood sampling.
Bring a full list of your medications. Your pharmacist can print a copy for you if required.
Bring your medical card or private health insurance details.
Bring a pen and paper to write down any new information.
If you have questions you would like to ask, write them down on some paper and bring this with you. This will help you remember and ensure all your questions/concerns are addressed.
Booking your pre treatment blood test
In order to make planning your treatment more efficient you can have your blood test completed in advance.
Book your next blood test appointment online
Phone 01 2910993
For more information on how to book your blood test unsing SwiftQueue Click Here
- Directions to CKB