Preparing to leave hospitalNavigation

When you come into hospital your doctor will talk with you about how long (roughly) you can expect to stay. We need to make sure everything is ready for you to go home as soon as you are well enough. If you are waiting to be moved to a residential unit or require extra supports at home, such as new equipment, home adaptations or a home care package you may be moved to another less acute hospital until everything is organised for you.
Most people are happy to return home to familiar surroundings. However, there may be mixed feelings as you can feel reassured and cared for while in hospital.
Your healthcare team will talk with you to plan your discharge home. With your permission, they may also talk with your next of kin or carers
What do I need for going home?
There are a number of things that may be helpful for you to check before you go home. Talk to your nurse if you have any concerns about your discharge
Have you got a lift home?
Have you your clothes & house keys? Is there food at home? Has the heating being turned on?
Have you got your prescription? Do you need a letter for your doctor and/ or public health nurse?
Do you need a medical cert? Do you have stitches/clips that need to be removed by GP?
Do you know if you are to come back to clinic? Do you know when you can return to work & normal activities?
Do you already receive care or services at home? If so….. Talk to your nurse to make sure that they know you are being discharged from hospital.
On the day of discharge
We want to get you home as early as possible on your day of discharge. While you are waiting for a lift home, doctors letters, prescriptions etc, you may be moved to our discharge unit. This is a comfortable and pleasant environment managed by nursing staff and is open from 7am. Your care is continued here until you are ready to leave the hospital
Your medication
Medications are NOT supplied by the hospital. Please, make sure that you have your prescription and understand the following;
- What your medicine is for
- How often you need to take it
- How long you need to take it for
If you do not understand your medication; please ask a member of your healthcare team and/or read the medication information leaflets.
My Medicines List is a helpful tool to keep track of your medications – You can print this leaflet or you can ask a staff member to print a copy of this leaflet and help you to complete it before you go home.
Tips to reduce any worries or fears you may have leaving the hospital
- Don’t be hard on yourself. Going home does not necessarily mean you’re fully back to yourself.
- People may be worried so if they ask, tell them a bit about your illness. You don’t have to go into details.
- People will want to see you, restrict this as much as possible because you still need your rest. ¨ Ask for help when you need it.
- Pace yourself—focus on small goals. A little activity everyday is better than pushing yourself.
- Your GP, community pharmacist and / or your public health nurse are also available if you have any questions