Information about your admission to hospitalNavigation
Being admitted to hospital can be a stressful and worrying time, If you have any questions about your care or treatment, or any concerns, our staff are here to help.
When you are admitted to hospital you will usually stay on a ward that specialises in your condition. You may be moved to a different bed/ward if your condition changes or to help other patients. This can happen at any time and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
The following information can help you prepare for your admission to hospital.
What do I need when I'm in hospital?
- A list of all the tablets I’m taking
- Nightwear (including dressing gown)
- Well fitting footwear and/or shoes
- Comfortable leisure wear (e.g. tracksuit)
- Underwear
- Toiletries (incl. toothbrush, tissues etc)
- Towels (hand, bath & facecloth)
- Glasses / dentures/ hearing aid
Please do not bring valuables or large sums of
money into the hospital. -
Mealtimes may vary from ward to
ward:Breakfast 07:30—08:30
Dinner 12:30—13:30
Tea 16:30—17:30Light refreshments will be given to you throughout
the day, with snacks available on request.
Please let your nurse know if you have any special
dietary needs or any food allergies. -
Your Healthcare Team
You will meet many different people throughout your stay such as; Your consultant and his/her team of doctors, the ward nursing staff and a number of other healthcare workers.
All staff should have a name badge to identify
All staff will wear a mask when looking after you. -
Be infection Aware
Preventing the spread of infection is really
important for the safety of patients, staff and
visitors.COVID-19: Every person being admitted will be
tested (swabbed) for COVID-19.
If you have a planned admission date, a COVID-19
test will be arranged for you before you come in to the hospital. If you have any questions, please ask your healthcare team.
It is important to be aware of healthcare associated infections and how you can reduce your risk when attending healthcare settings.Be infection aware – patient information leaflet
Taking care of your safety
Assessment: You will be asked many questions about yourself. This is to make sure we can give you the right care and keep you safe, for example to stop you from having a fall or making sure you don’t get a pressure sore, blood clot etc.
Medication: It is important to tell your healthcare
team about any medication you are taking and if
you know you are allergic to anything. Keeping an up-to-date list can help you know your medicines. It can also help you when discussing your medicines with a healthcare professional.Identity Band: An identity band will be placed on your wrist. This allows staff to quickly identify you and is for your safety. Please wear it at all times. If you need a new one, let us know and we will replace it.
Consent: We will involve you in all decisions about your treatment and care. You may be asked to sign a consent form for a procedure or some treatments. This confirms that you agree to have the procedure or treatment and understand the risks and benefits. Information about you: The hospital have a legal duty to keep your information confidential and secure (GDPR). To make sure we give you the best treatment we hold a record of you and your care. This is only accessed by people who need this information to care for you.
Audit: We may use the information in your healthcare record to carry out an audit. Audit is one of the ways we check that the care provided to patients is safe and up to date.
Hospital Facilities
- Shop: Located on the main corridor, open 7 days a week – Tea & Coffee can be purchased in the shop
- Bank of Ireland ATM: Located on the main corridor
- Vending machines: Located throughout the hospital
- Chaplaincy Service: Operates on an inter-denominational basis
- Interpretation Service: Is available and arranged through the ward as required
- Wi-Fi: Freely available on all wards
Your Experience
The hospital is committed to providing the best
possible service. We welcome feedback from
patients, their families and visitors. This will help
improve the quality of our services.If you were happy with the care you have received please let the staff know.
It is also important that we hear about any issues
and concerns about any part of your experience in the hospital.Talk to a member of your healthcare team or you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service
(PALS) who are happy to receive all feedback. They will help you to give any feedback. If you wish to, they will also help you make a complaint.